Renewable Energy:

Welcome to The Methanization Blog, your go-to platform for information on one of the most promising technologies for energy transition and sustainable organic waste management. This blog aims to centralize and simplify knowledge, news, and innovations related to methanization, a biological process that converts waste into renewable energy in the form of biogas.

Together, let’s explore the vast opportunities this renewable energy offers to build a greener, more sustainable future.


What is methanization?

Methanization is a natural process that reduces waste and produces biogas, an eco-friendly fuel that can power homes, vehicles, and industries. This process transforms organic waste into a renewable energy source.

énergie Renouvelable

Our blog

This blog, brought to you by CMMP, aims to raise awareness about the energy and environmental challenges our society faces while highlighting the essential role of biogas utilization. Through informative articles, CMMP shares its expertise on innovative solutions, such as the use of products like FERHYDROX®, which removes hydrogen sulfide (H₂S) during the process.


All about the process

Whether you’re a professional in the field, a curious student, or simply a citizen interested in eco-friendly solutions, this blog is for you. It will be enriched with articles, technical explanations, and concrete examples illustrating the impact and potential of biogas in our societies.

Boost the efficiency of your methanization process with FERHYDROX®

“CMMP’s iron hydroxide is the ideal solution for optimizing desulfurization and improving the performance of your methanization facilities. CMMP offers it in FERMENTABLE BAGS or BIG BAGS on shrink-wrapped pallets.”